Posted on 20-09-2007
Filed Under (Yoga posture) by admin

Lotus Pose

Before I left for Siem Reap, Cambodia, I told myself that I’m going to take lots of silly pictures of me in various Yoga Posture.  Sad to say, I’ve disappointed myself with only a small number of silly-me-pictures.  One of the main reason is my blocked mind.  Other than the famous Lotus Pose and Tree Pose, my mind goes totally blank.

Enjoy, Namaste!

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Posted on 13-09-2007
Filed Under (Yoga Ramble) by admin

Sanskrit: Padmasana

This is one of my favourite pic in Padmasana. Reminds me of the tranquility and quietness just perfect for Yoga.

I’ll be away to Siem Reap and be back even before you notice it. Do expect some nice pic from me 😉

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Posted on 05-09-2007
Filed Under (Yoga Ramble) by admin

downward dog
The footsteps shown here is my youngest daughter’s trail whenever I’m in downward dog. While crawling around me, she will sing “fallin’ down, fallin’ down. My fair lady….”

Ya, then Mummy will have to pretend to be a fallen London Bridge fell and squeezing her *rolling eye*. She will giggle non stop trying to free herself from the fallen London Bridge. Gah!. Fun, but not so fun especially when I seriously needed some practise at home. Another priceless family bonding here.

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