Posted on 27-02-2009
Filed Under (Yoga Ramble) by admin

Hot Yoga is also known as Bikram Yoga in Sanskrit. Ideally, the room was heated to 40°C  with a humidity of 40%.  A vigorous yoga session at this temperature promotes profuse sweating which believe will help you to lose weight, get rids the body of toxins and also makes the body very warm and therefore more flexible.   But sad to say, my facial skin can’t afford to loose all it’s moisture as they get hydrated very fast.  No amount of serum moisturizer can help unless I go for treatment like oxyen mask or microdermabrasion.  I would say, Hot Yoga is not for everyone especially if you have problematic skin like me.

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Posted on 19-02-2009
Filed Under (Uncategorized) by admin

Hubby and me is not that type who celebrate Valentine’s. Well, we do buy each other gift (sometimes) but not on purpose. For example one of the year (as how I remembered), he ran out of cologne. I simply grab one Bruts Cologne from the pharmacy and wrapped them up or sometimes when he is out of socks or boxer, that sort of things. Nothing expensive like a diamond ring or Tag Heuer watch. And pardon me, in our 12 years of marriage, he never get me a single stalk of rose during Valentine’s. Yet, we still live happily ever after.

This year, Valentine’s Day was like usual. He was golfing in the morning and took over the kids when I went for my Yoga in the afternoon.



This caught me by surprise. As I was leaving after the class, we was each given 2 pieces of Hershey’s kisses by the front desk. Awww….. isn’t that sweet. We work so hard trying to shed some pound and there they are adding back all the pounds.

I was just kidding. LOL. That two Kisses really makes my day. I’ve never felt happier like I was given 2 pieces of the best weight loss pill. I went home and presented it to Hubby and wish him a Happy Valentine’s Day. He was caught by surprise too and ask, “What do you feel like having for dinner?”

Muahahahaaaaa. Woman are evil by nature. Don’t tell me I never warned you.

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Posted on 11-02-2009
Filed Under (Yoga Ramble) by admin

I was told by a number of people that the old premise of Yoga Zone Klang has taken over by Zen. And I go, “Who is Zen?”

“The Poster Girl with that cute teddies print bandana on the head la.”

I see!

Looks like by 1st March, the faded poster is going to make way for a new one. Even the sky is more blue than any part of the poster. Hope this piece of news can materialized as I have been praying for a new owner to take over and am really looking forward to continue my practice there.

p/s: No further question as this is all I was told.

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