Posted on 03-07-2007
Filed Under (Yoga posture) by admin

Sanskrit name: Uttanasana

This yoga posture increases the flexibility on the hamstring and lower back. The spine is lengthened naturally and feels relaxed as a result.

Something weird about me tho. I find no problem with Uttanasana. Infact, I am able to go down to the max and holding on the post for 30 seconds. Coming to Ugrasana (sitting forward bend), I felt more stretched on the hamstring and that lower back need a good hammering to bring it down.

Last weekend, we have a blasted time at the beach flying the kite. I took the opportunity to have a few postures taken at sunset. Love them all.

That’s my children. Inspired by my love of Yoga.

Namaste, everyone.

Short Talk – Maintaining health means using skin care products as well as taking necessary vitamins supplements. Everyone jumps to the conclusion of fitness equipment as soon as the word health is mentioned. Men should pay attention to their urination habits in old age and women to their breasts for any aberrant change.

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Posted on 29-06-2007
Filed Under (Yoga posture) by admin

Translation:  The Lotus Pose

This is a common  posture during meditation. You can opt for full or half lotus or easy position (sukhasana).  This is how you do Half Lotus Pose.

From a seated position, bend your left knee.  Next, bend your right knee, grasp the right foot with both hands and place it on top of the left thigh bringing the heel as close to the navel as possible.

Place the hands on the knees. Touch your index finger with the thumb and extend the other fingers out or you can put your hands infront of your chest as in prayer position.

For a challenge, you may put your hands behind your back as in prayer position.

Namaste, everyone.

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