Posted on 24-06-2007
Filed Under (Yoga Ramble) by admin

What makes me took up Yoga?

Well, first of all I think Yoga is a piece of beautiful art; the flexibilty of our body part, the relaxation is just so soothing.

Secondly, it has something to do with my health. I had very high blood pressure reading during my pregnancy since 1999, thereafter 2002 and during my third pregnancy in 2006, it shot way up high. All I could think of is to put the blame (HBP) on pregnancy. Little do I know, my BP is still at a very high reading till today. And again, I would blame my bad gene. The only exercise that came straight to my mind is Yoga. Three days later (May 12, 2007), there I am at Yoga Club signing up for Yoga lesson.

I love them to bits. I enjoy every lesson that was taught. And here I am penning down my journey into Yoga. Yea, my new found hobby too.

Namaste, everyone!

Short Talk – The use of hookah is almost as injurious to health as smoking. Similarly to maintain fitness, other options should be placed well before cosmetic surgery and liposuctions.

(3) Comments   


Gurumayi Chidvilasananda on 26 June, 2007 at 10:52 am #

Namaste, Yogajess Admin.

Bernard on 28 June, 2007 at 9:24 am #

Namaste, Jessie 🙂

oliviasy on 3 July, 2007 at 2:20 pm #

i took up yoga to strengthen my lower back muscles. and it has helped me tremendously both physically & mentally 🙂

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