Posted on 17-07-2007
Filed Under (Yoga posture) by admin

Sanskrit : Garudasana

The Eagle Posture will strengthen your legs, knees and ankles. It stretches and tones muscles of the leg that grow weak from sedentary lifestyles ad can help relieve cramps of the legs. However, if you have knee pain, avoid doing this pose.

I do have problem with this posture.  Blame it on my fat tight.  I can’t seem to wrap my right foot all the way to the back. Each time I tried to do that, I will lost my balance. Now I just rest my fat tight on my left leg occasionally cheated by resting my toes on the floor for support. *ngek, ngek, ngek*

This is how you do it:

Draw the right foot upward bending the knee and wrap the right foot around your left leg as you rest the back of your right thigh on the left thigh. Cross your arms at the elbows, right over left.  Join the palms of your hands together keeping the fingers pointed upward.

For a challenge, sink your hip lower and stretch your arms higher.

Namaste, everyone!

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