Posted on 12-01-2009
Filed Under (Yoga Ramble) by admin | (3) Comments

A very shocking discovery. I was on MSN the other day with a ex-Yoga Zone teacher that I still keep in contact hence he has moved to another country to continue his Yoga teaching. He asked me if anything new happened to Yoga empire here. Not as I know of ever since the winding up of YZ and the fatwa thingy. He then told me that Yogaloft approached him to teach there. And then I go Uh-oh. We all know who is behind Yogaloft right. It’s been many many moons since the Yoga Zone crisis thing happened. All along, I tried not to look into YogaLover88 or Joshua or Yogurt’s blog or even mentioned anything that is concerning ‘them’ at all. And since this topic was brought up again, I took a little peep at www.yogaloft.com.my website.

The first thing is, “THIS MAN WITH MOLE SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME!” Pardon the rudeness. lol. Secondly, this doesn’t looks like a Yoga blog eh? So I read on. And the juicy part catches me!

What the heck is going on? Aren’t they sick of playing such game?

And of course more familiar name was mentioned like Yogalover88 *rolling eye*

So the WHOLEEEEEEE MORNING (!!!) I was stuck in between Joshua, Yogalover88 and Yogurt’s blog reading all the gossips and decided to check out the guy named Jason Bak.

Hey oh? His profile picture is better than the one in Yogaloft website! And I nearly choke to death when I read ‘single and available’. Wtf, trying to sell himself? OMG! He is so sporting. Not!

So I read on and sense the whole thing is quite fishy especially the blog. Why does someone starts a blog and leave all the hate comment there for the whole world to read? What does he benefit from there as all I see is more damage is going to happen.

Another million dollar question: You gave that person a second chance but to be betrayed again. Can you trust that person for the third time?

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Posted on 02-01-2009
Filed Under (Yoga Ramble) by admin | (0) Comments

I was back from my one week long holiday and has planned to catch up on Yoga practises that I’ve missed. That morning as I tried to ignite the car, the battery went dead. I knew that would happen if your car was left in hibernation mode for too many days. Logic would say, our body and the car engine works the same. I never felt so stiff before and now, I am suffering from body aches all over. I started to walk like a duck the next few days and badly needed to sleep on a heated mattress pads. Aches lasted about 4 days and I felt so good now.  Well, this is a lesson to learn – not to leave your body in hibernation mode for more than 3 days.

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Posted on 22-12-2008
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I have not done so much travelling before in my life. I think this year I break my own personal record and this month itself, I have skipped so many so many classes. If I am not mistaken, I managed to attend 4 classes only. Good thing the package I’ve signed up allow me to attend unlimited classes. That way, I am able to catch up on the losses again after this holiday seasons. The travel insurance I bought this year is fully utilized to the max too.  Guess after this post, I won’t be updating anything again as I am travelling up North celebrating Christmas with my immediate family.

Have A Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year XOXO

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Posted on 16-12-2008
Filed Under (Fitball) by admin | (0) Comments

You just have to visualized this. While sitting on a gym ball, hold a piece of cleaning cloth in each hand and start moving your hand in circular motion. There you go, that is part of the fitball exercise movement like polishing the mirror. Now you know why some housewife says they don’t need to sign up for expensive fitness classes. House chores act as a part of their weight loss products. Who the heck that stand on that principle must have big bum-bum.

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Posted on 13-12-2008
Filed Under (Fitball) by admin | (11) Comments

During this two years of my yoga practise, I’ve always seen Yoga Instructor (regardless whether they are male or female) in leotard or three quarter tight looking pants.  But today, this male yoga instructor almost swept me off my feet!  He decided to came in in soccer pants.  Obviously there is not thing wrong.  Just that I felt he looks kinda sexy in them.  Muahahahaaa.  Luckly I was not seating in the front home theater seating row if not, you tell me ler, how to concentrate.  Ahh… now I know how his nickname came about.  Indeed a Leg Killer.

Minus the waxing. *ngek, ngek, ngek*

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Posted on 02-12-2008
Filed Under (Staying Fit & Healthy) by admin | (4) Comments

It all started about 1 year ago when I felt my monthly flow is very abnormal than usual. They are superbly heavy with big chunk of blood clot dashing out like the tap water. This happened usually on the first and second day. However, subsequent days is rated at medium and low. This took me about 6 months to consult a doctor and a ultrasound scan revealed that there is a fibroid growing in my womb. And 6 months later today, after another ultrasound scan…. the result is not looking good.

Not only the fibroid is growing, the Doctor discovered more than 3 cyst growing. If you look at the smaller circle on the left, that is the cyst. They are now measuring at 33.2mm. If the cyst grow beyond 50mm, there is a need to get it remove through surgery and I am now on medication to treat anemia. Even if the cyst did not grow beyond 50mm but the anemia has worsen, it is advisable to get the cyst remove too. Now, on the bigger circle, that is my womb. A womb is supposed to be oval shape but mine is out-of-shape. That is because on the bulging part, that is where the fibroid is and they are definitely growing too!

Most women with fibroid did not develop any symptom. One out of 5 women may get this and they are genetic too. So far in my household, my mom, one of my sis, one of my cousins (she had gone through 3 surgeries and the fibroid kept on coming back!), all of them has been a victim too. I am not writing this to get sympathy. I just want to remind all ladies out there to learn to know your body, take note of body changes and go for your yearly check-up. Educate yourself on cyst and fibroid, check out articles on Google.

With this new yet horrible findings, I have increased the premium on my term life insurance quote. The fibroid and cyst does affect a little of my yoga practise especially in “Revolved Extended Side Angle” or some may called it the “Prayer Twist”. When I tried to do a deep twisting, it hurts… somewhere there… like a stone stuck between my waist and tight. But for a woman who have gone through child birth, what is there that is not tolerable?

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Posted on 27-11-2008
Filed Under (Yoga Ramble) by admin | (2) Comments


Director: YogaJess

Writer : Nazlan J.

Release Date: 27 November 2008

Genre: Cartoon

Plot: Yoga Bear was banned from entering Jellystone Park. Yogi Bear reported the news to his Cousin, Yoga Bear in Jellystone Park. Yoga Bear was about to get bang on the head by the Shorty Council. Yea, he is so short he need to stood on a bed frames for extra height. Uncle Yoda came to their rescue!

Cast: Yogi Bear
Yoga Bear
Yoda Master

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Posted on 25-11-2008
Filed Under (Yoga Ramble) by admin | (4) Comments

The decision make by National Fatwa Council to banned Yoga has shocked many of us. As a Yoga practitioner, I have been following the news very closely. Today’s news send a little breather to many Muslim practitioners – The implementation of Fatwa ban was put on hold in two States i.e. Selangor and Perak. Unfortunately. Just hang on to your mat and don’t burn that books yet, Yoginis.

I am not writing to debate the details of the Fatwa. This has quoted many times by the Council that practicing yoga’s physical poses, known as asanas, without spiritual elements such as chanting and meditation is considered alright by Islamic law, although is not encouraged as “doing one part of yoga would lead to another”. Through my 2 years involvement in Yoga, I have never heard of anyone who has deviated from their personal faith, converted to Hinduism or denounced religion because they practice yoga. I am still a Christian today for Pete’s sake!

You know what I can foresee once the ruling on Fatwa is adopted? There will be more ‘underground’ taking place (practicing or conducting classes in discretion) and raids conducting yoga centre or maybe private home? *cringe* Or the worst scenario, more people (teachers) was jobless and there goes the removal of that beautiful digital signage from their yoga centre.

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Posted on 20-11-2008
Filed Under (Uncategorized) by admin | (2) Comments

*My definition of Fat here is putting on weight. I used F.A.T. cos the word consist of 3 alphabets only. Can?*

When I was in my teenage years, no matter how much I eat, I can never put on weight. I was weighing at 39/40kg only. During my first pregnancy, I ballooned up to 62kg! That is a whooping 22 kgs that I have put on. At one time I almost resorted to try diet pills. The day I gave birth to my 3rd child till to date, food is my next enemy. That is such a pathetic sight. When I stand around with my siblings, it takes a blind man to know who is FAT! No prize for guessing which one is me tho *sticking out tongue*

Sometimes I couldn’t understand woman. What is wrong being fat? The answer is woman are vain lor. Simple as that.

p/s: Picture above took from my trip on Superstar Libra Cruise. Those are the guys that performed to the “Macho Man” performance.

p/p/s:  I am not refering to woman in the whole universe.  The woman is basically just me.  Well, you know… if I don’t mentioned this someone will come jumping on me.  Don’t want to take risk in case some people are just so sensitive.  Where is the freedom of speech nowadays? *cringe*

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Posted on 18-11-2008
Filed Under (Yoga Ramble) by admin | (7) Comments

I so need to rant on the Yoga Instructor I met on board the Superstar Libra Cruise.

1) As they have only 10 yoga mats available, the remaining 10 participants was given beach towel. Boy oh boy, I saw many of them was slipping away. That is quite hazardous as someone could get hurt or sprained their wrist.

2) The Instructor is definitely left handed cos he start everything on the left first. I do feel awkward about that. And you know after savasana (corpse pose) where you are supposed to turn to your right before coming up on seated position? The instruction given was turning to our left. Weird isn’t it? Of course I did not follow instructions!  Guess I am so used to the old routine.

Anyway it was just basic yoga as part of the activities held on the Cruise. The next 2 days on board, I don’t even bother to join their Yoga class anymore. I so need some stretching as my tummy has ballooned up due to the scrumptious free flow 5 meals per day for the past 3 days. And what is the best diet pills? Well, it’s the starving pills from now on! That is the damaged I have to pay due to my greediness *slap self*.

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