Posted on 25-11-2008
Filed Under (Yoga Ramble) by admin

The decision make by National Fatwa Council to banned Yoga has shocked many of us. As a Yoga practitioner, I have been following the news very closely. Today’s news send a little breather to many Muslim practitioners – The implementation of Fatwa ban was put on hold in two States i.e. Selangor and Perak. Unfortunately. Just hang on to your mat and don’t burn that books yet, Yoginis.

I am not writing to debate the details of the Fatwa. This has quoted many times by the Council that practicing yoga’s physical poses, known as asanas, without spiritual elements such as chanting and meditation is considered alright by Islamic law, although is not encouraged as “doing one part of yoga would lead to another”. Through my 2 years involvement in Yoga, I have never heard of anyone who has deviated from their personal faith, converted to Hinduism or denounced religion because they practice yoga. I am still a Christian today for Pete’s sake!

You know what I can foresee once the ruling on Fatwa is adopted? There will be more ‘underground’ taking place (practicing or conducting classes in discretion) and raids conducting yoga centre or maybe private home? *cringe* Or the worst scenario, more people (teachers) was jobless and there goes the removal of that beautiful digital signage from their yoga centre.

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